Open call for the 2023 Golden Bee Award
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food has issued a call to citizens, legal persons, or other organizations for the identification of candidates for the 2023 Golden Bee Award. With the Golden Bee Award, the Republic of Slovenia promotes World Bee Day and the transfer of knowledge, technology and the consolidation of Slovenia as a green, healthy, proactive and innovative country.

– Subject: projects or achievements in the field of research on bees and other pollinators that were published in the past seven years (2015-2022) are subject of the call.
– Winner: the Golden Bee Award may be given to a citizen of the Republic of Slovenia or a foreign national, a legal person or other organization established in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad, or an international organization. The winner will be given a sculpture and a financial award by the President of the Republic of Slovenia on the World Bee Day (May 20th, 2023).
– Deadline: the call will be open up to and including March 1st (2023).