Becoming a member
On this page, you may read everything about the advantages and consequences of becoming a member of Promote Pollinators, and you may find information about the requirements and formal procedures of becoming a member.
The following are eligible to be a member of Promote Pollinators:
- Any member state of the United Nations or grouping of such members
- Any government agency of a country with responsibility for, or an interest in, the goals of Promote Pollinators and representing that country

Why join?
As a member of Promote Pollinators, you enjoy being part of an international knowledge and collaboration network. Members actively create and share experiences, reports and other publications, to be added to our website and newsletter (open to the general public), or through mailings exclusive to Promote Pollinators’ members. Also, the secretariat regularly collects and shares science and policy documents. In this way, you automatically receive relevant information which keeps you up to date and may prove helpful in the creation of a national strategy and/or other efforts to protect pollinators and their habitats.
In sum, members are provided:
- Access to publications, news and other information
- Publishing space on our website, including a national page
- Possibilities for collaboration with other members
- Invitations to meetings and events
In addition, you get access to the Promote Pollinators group on LinkedIn, which gives you the ability to get into contact with and ask questions to your fellow members and/or you get the ability to reach out to other members through the Promote Pollinators secretariat.
At least annually, but preferably twice a year, the Promote Pollinators secretariat hosts a meeting to which all members are invited. During these meetings you get the opportunity to meet each other in person, discuss topics of interest and share experiences. In addition to the thematic meetings, the secretariat also hosts a Sign-Up Event to welcome new members. The Promote Pollinators meetings are held in the context of, or back to back with meetings of CBD or IPBES.
Commitments, rules and requirements
By signing the declaration of Promote Pollinators, the Coalition of the Willing on Pollinators, thus becoming a member, you commit to the following:
- taking action to protect pollinators and their habitats in order to stop and reverse their decline through developing, facilitating (if not already done) and implementing a pollinator strategy of your own, consistent with the IPBES thematic assessment on pollinators, pollination and food production;
- sharing, in an open and transparent manner, experience and lessons learnt in developing, facilitating and implementing these pollinator strategies, especially knowledge on new approaches, innovations and best practices;
- reaching out to, and seeking collaboration with, a broad spectrum of stakeholders (among which, businesses, NGOs, farmers and smallholders, and local communities) on the need to protect pollinators;
- developing research that will help to fill knowledge gaps on the subject of pollinator conservation;
- mutually supporting and collaborating with each other and with all countries and partner organizations willing to join us.
The Promote Pollinators secretariat will reach out to each member at least once a year to stay informed and discuss the efforts and progress made regarding their pollinator strategies. On the other hand, members should confirm or update their membership details, including focal points’ names and contact details when these details change.

Procedure of becoming a member
A member joins the Coalition by signing the ‘Declaration on the Coalition of the Willing on Pollinators’. A new member may do so during one of Promote Pollinators’ Sign-Up Events, which are specifically organized to add some publicity and festiveness to the signing moment, or at any other moment in time convenient to the signatories.
For more information about becoming a member, or in case you would like to explore the possibility of becoming a member yourself, please reach out to the secretary, Mr. Martijn Thijssen, through