Recent publications (March 2021)
There’s a lot of research being done on pollinators and pollinator protection. We have made a selection of papers that we think are interesting to you. If you have interesting papers you would like to highlight please let us know!

Pollinators in urban spaces
How do bees respond to urban green spaces? Anthony Ayers and Sandra Rehan of York University in Toronto have published a literature review in insects summarising the current literature on pollinator response to green spaces. They argue that research should focus on how green spaces can be optimised for sustainable bee conservation.
Read full article.
Nectar supply in urban areas
Nicholas Tew et al. have quantified the nectar supply of urban areas, farmland and nature reserves in the UK. Their results show that non-native ornamental plants are an important source of nectar in cities and towns.
Read full article.
In addition to the papers, this month we’d like to share with you a recent podcast by Roots and All. In the episode, titled Pollinators and Pollination, Roots and All spoke with Professor Jeff Ollerton. Professor Jeff Ollerton recently published a book titled Pollinators and Pollination. Although the podcast is geared towards the general public, it can serve as a source of inspiration for Promote Pollinators members who are looking to involve the public in their strategy.