Promote Pollinators secretariat delivers proposal for CBD post-2020 framework
On Tuesday the 26th of November, secretary Martijn Thijssen on behalf of Promote Pollinators delivered a short statement, proposing that the protection of pollinators should be adopted as a goal in the Post 2020 framework of the CBD. The statement was uttered during the sequel to the Plenary of SBSTTA-23, in the ICAO-Building in Montreal.
Pollination as a key element to biological diversity
Martijn Thijssen: “We need to recognize and acknowledge pollination as a key element in the conservation of biological diversity. The aim of this morning’s proposal is that we will develop a target for pollinators and pollination with an indicator in the post 2020 targets. This brings us one step closer to the ultimate goal of giving pollinators and pollination the protection they deserve.”
The statements made during the SBSTTA plenary will be taken into account in the upcoming deliberations regarding the post 2020 targets.

The statement:
“Thank you chair. I am the secretary of Promote Pollinators. Promote Pollinators is a network of countries that was established as a Cancun commitment in 2016. We have the mission to better protect pollinators. We believe that pollinators and pollination should be specifically addressed in the post 2020 targets as one of the important carriers of biodiversity and one of the most valuable contributions of nature to mankind. Pollinators contribute directly to the realization of a substantial number of SDG’s. To mention a few; ‘zero hunger’, ‘no poverty’, ‘good health and wellbeing’, and ‘life on land’. Many previous interventions spoke about the importance of targets and indicators. We support this and -obviously- specifically the development of a target and indicator for pollinators and pollination, as proposed by the EU.
In 2016 the Plenary of IPBES established the Assessment Report on Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production. The assessment clearly shows the significance of pollinators and their contribution to mankind. Over 90 % of plant species are pollinator depending. 75% of the food crops are pollinator depending. The contribution to global GDP is significant. The assessment also shows that pollinators are under threat worldwide. When there is data, it shows that pollinators are decreasing, both in diversity and in abundance. The assessment also shows a lack of data in many parts of the world.
In response to the Pollinator assessment a group of countries decided that action should be taken. They formed a coalition of the willing called Promote Pollinators. They commit to make pollinator strategies and work together for a better protection of pollinators. We are with 25 countries plus the EU now. This week Thursday at 6pm, 4 more countries will join. You are welcome to celebrate this with us.
Given the serious situation we are facing, the secretariat of Promote Pollinators cannot imagine a set of post 2020 targets that does not involve the subject of pollinators and pollination. Hence we ask the SBBSTA to advise the Ad Hoc open ended working group to propose a specific target and indicator for pollinators and pollination. All members of Promote Pollinators have declared that they are willing to mutually support and cooperate on the protection of pollinators. We are indeed willing to cooperate with the Ad Hoc open ended working group to further explore a specific target and indicator for pollinators and pollination.
Thank you chair.”