Two-pager Promote Pollinators up for discussion at CBD’s Post-2020 deliberations
As a follow-up to our statement during SBSTTA-23, the Promote Pollinators secretariat was invited to compose a two-pager with propositions for a possible target for pollinators and pollination in the CBD Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Last Wednesday the 11th of November, secretary mr. Martijn Thijssen delivered the statement to the co-chair of the Ad Hoc open ended working group.
The two-pager was composed by a small working group, consisting of the secretary, a few policymakers and a small group of leading scientists. The two-pager answers two questions. First of all it explains why pollinators and pollination should be integrated in the post 2020 framework. Then it sets out how pollinators and pollination could be reflected in the Post-2020 global biodiversity framework. The working group proposes three types of targets to be adopted for pollinators and pollination: targets on a) status, b) pressures and c) actions.

Mr. Martijn Thijssen:
“We hope the two-pager may play a positive role in positioning pollinators and pollination in the coming discussions on the CBD Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.”
Also you can help to emphasize the urgency of adopting pollinators and pollination as a subject in the Post-2020 framework. Share this two-pager with your colleagues and by provide attention to it online, in relation to the CBD Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. The more people share this message, the more we emphasize that animal pollination matters!