Press statement: Burundi joins Promote Pollinators during IPBES-7
This morning, Burundi signed the declaration of Promote Pollinators during the Sign-up Event in Paris. This afternoon the Promote Pollinators secretariat published a press statement concerning this event. Read more and download the full statement!
‘On Wednesday 1 May, Burundi joined the international coalition Promote Pollinators. By signing the declaration they affirm their intent to take action and implement a national strategy to protect pollinating species threatened with extinction. This brings the total of signatories to 25.’
The seventh session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-7) at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France was the backdrop for this special event. Download the press statement below to read more about Burundi’s presentation on their national situation and their motivation to join the international coalition.