BESNet Trialogue on pollination
From 4 to 6 September the Biodiversity and Ecosystemservices Network (BESNet) organized a trialogue on pollination in the Caribbean region. The meeting took place in the Dominican Republic, the city of Santo Domingo.
At the trialogue members of the communities of science, policy and practice from 7 Caribbean countries visited showcase examples of enhancement of pollination and discussed the status of pollination in their countries, the threats of pollination and the opportunities to better protect pollinators. They made action plans for their respective countries and identified subjects on which they can cooperate.
The secretariat of the CoW was present in the person of Martijn Thijssen. The aim was to learn about the challenges and opportunities in the Caribbean world, and to promote the CoW amongst the Caribbean states.

Martijn: “One of the most impressive learning points for me was to better understand the effects of climate change on pollinators at the island states. The effects of more intense hurricanes and the changes in the rainy seasons already affect the islands in a very manifest way. I was impressed by the dedication of the participants to work on the protection of their pollinators.”
The Trialogue already resulted in a concrete initiative on the monitoring of pollinators by means of the app inaturalist.
- For more information, visit the BESNet website.